HEX Early Earthquake
Warning System
Instant Receive
Instant Report
Real time connectivity with National Center using 4G/WIFI, advanced early sends out warning signals within seconds.
Instant Receive
Instant Report
Real time connectivity with National Center using 4G/WIFI, advanced early sends out warning signals within seconds.
Early Warning Alarm Device
Combine voice and strobe light for efficient evacuation Maintain strong connection through 4G/WIFITrigger voice and strobe light warning within seconds. Adjustable volume.
Combine voice and strobe light for efficient evacuation
Maintain strong connection through 4G/WIFI
Trigger voice and strobe light warning within seconds. Adjustable volume.
Search & Rescue Smart Watch
Monitor rescue team members health condition including heart-beat and steps along with early earthquake detection through alarm and vibration.
Search & Rescue Smart Watch
Monitor rescue team members health condition including heart-beat and steps along with early earthquake detection through alarm and vibration.
Earthquake Warning Alarm Portable Karaoke
Portable karaoke machine, ability to receive early earthquake composite signal and sends out nofitication through screen display and alarm. The karaoke machine is perfectly suitable for community gathering events, tour groups, and camping.
Earthquake Proof Desk
Ability to withstand over 200 tons of impact while intergrating Early Earthquake Warning System. Prior to earthquake arrival the system will trigger warning sound and strobe light. The earthquake proof desk is able to fit up to two occupants along with storage of survival kit such as water, snack, flashlight, and battery pack
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